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Indianapolis Head Injury Attorney

"Have you or a loved one suffered a head or traumatic brain injury as the result of another’s actions or negligence? If so, what, if anything, can you do about it?"

Each year, over 1.7 million people suffer from some type of traumatic brain injury, from a mild concussion to more severe injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered from a head or traumatic brain injury, a traumatic brain injury attorney may be able to help.

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The costs associated with head injuries, including medical costs and lost earnings and productivity, can reach over $76 billion per year. An Indianapolis head injury attorney can assist you in recouping some of these costs associated with the temporary and permanent injuries to the injured and ongoing medical treatment, as well as lost wages, and even lost earning capacity due to the injury.

Some common causes of traumatic brain injury are work related accidents, traffic and motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, falls, accidents in the home, battery by another person (who may have also been charged criminally). Indiana traumatic brain injury attorneys can assist you in asserting your rights and recovering from an intentional or negligent person whose actions caused your injury.

Some head injuries may seem minor at the time, such as concussion, but after prolonged re-exposure to the injury (sports), or after several hours or days a brain injury may show signs of being far more dangerous and severe than originally thought. Signs and symptoms of a more severe injury can start as innocently as vision changes or loss, hearing loss, loss of smell, headache, stiff neck, slurred speech, increased drowsiness, brief confusion, and can quickly escalate to more severe problems, such as seizures, paralysis, coma, personality changes, cognitive or learning deficits, and loss of consciousness.

Because the long-term consequences of brain injuries are not always apparent right away, it is important to contact an Indiana head injury lawyer to evaluator your case and preserve your rights to recoup the long term costs associated with medical care and pain and suffering, if the injury does not resolve. As with any injury, there is statute of limitations, which requires you to bring suit against a wrongful actor within a certain specified time period. An Indianapolis traumatic brain injury lawyer can help you to determine the cause of your accident, and when, or if to file suit

If you are seeking compensation after a traumatic brain injury, Indiana traumatic brain injury lawyers who specialize in head injury and brain injury law can be a vital asset in your case. Qualified and experienced head injury lawyers are indispensable assets to helping you to gain compensation from persons who caused your injury.

Traumatic brain injuries can have lifelong consequences, and only a traumatic brain injury lawyer can help win you compensation for your medical bills and lost wages, or reduced earning capacity, due to your injuries.

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