Child custody proceedings tend to be confusing and emotional times. Whether it be an initial custody proceeding, or a modification of a pre-existing custody order, the process always seems to be draining on all involved parties. However, you can relieve some of the emotional burden by avoiding some common mistakes many individuals make in custody proceedings. In this blog, we provide four tips for parents in custody disputes in Indiana.
Cooperation and Compromise with the Other Parent. While you may not like the other parent, it is extremely important to work with the other parent. How you behave around the other parent, and what you say about the other parent will reflect your character in front of the court. Being willing to compromise and have respect for the other parent will set a good example in front of the court and go a long way in helping you achieve your goals in the custody proceeding. As such, remember to avoid harassing the other parent, sending negative emails, or even losing your temper.
Refrain from Posting on Social Media. As technology has become more important in our day to day, the rise of social media has skyrocketed. While there is a lot of good that comes from social media, there is also a lot of bad. As it relates to parents in a custody proceeding, oversharing details of their case is becoming a more and more common. This, however, is a mistake. Keep any details of your custody case off of social media because there is a good chance the other party is watching what you post. If you post something bad, there is a very good likelihood it will be used against you in court. Just remember, it is best practice to keep any details of your case of social media.
Obey Court Orders. The next tip to remember for your custody dispute is to always follow the court’s order. While this seems like a simple task, many parents disregard or simply fail to follow a court’s order when it comes to custody. Do not disregard or disobey the court’s order, as the court’s orders are going to be focused on the best interests of the children. As such, it gives you the opportunity to show the court that you can be focused on the best interests of your children, while also displaying that you respect authority.
Avoid Fighting/Talking Negatively About the Other Parent. Whoever said “there is a fine line between love and hate” was really on to something. While it is understandable that you may no longer have affectionate feelings about the other parent, this does not negate the fact that the other individual is still your child(ren)’s parent. As such, even though it can be extremely tough, you must avoid fighting with, or talking negatively about, the other parent in front of your child(ren). Remember, the welfare of your (child)ren should be your main focus, and dragging them in the middle of any your disagreements with the other parent will only lead to harm for your child(ren).
We hope that these tips can come in handy if you ever find yourself in the middle of a custody dispute. We understand child custody proceedings can be a trying time for individuals. Not to mention, these are very personal and emotional matters for people. If you are in a child custody case, it may be helpful to seek the assistance of an attorney to help navigate through the process. Dixon & Moseley, P.C. attorneys handle all types of child custody cases throughout the State of Indiana and understand the significance of same. This blog post is written by Dixon & Moseley, P.C. advocates and is not intended as specific legal advice or a solicitation for services. It is an advertisement.