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Three Summer Parenting Time and Vacation Tips

As summer break is upon us and families begin to plan trips and vacations for the summer, the issue of dividing and determining summer parenting time becomes an issue for many. In this blog, we will explore 3 tips to make these issues run a little smoother, and hopefully make summer break an enjoyable time for all.

1. Share the Details.

One issue related to summer parenting time and vacation is that the parent not travelling is unsure of the details, and wants more information about what is going to happen while the Children are away.  The travelling parent can make this easier by providing an itinerary and contact information.  This allows the non-travelling parent to know what the general schedule is, where the Children will be staying, and who to contact in case of emergencies. In fact, the Indiana Parenting Time Guidelines advises that parents provide contact information and/or an itinerary1. This can give peace of mind, and keeps all parties informed.

2. Keep Contact Regular.

When Children are on vacation, schedules are obviously disrupted from the norm, and activities often occur throughout the day and into the night.  However, make time for Children to contact the non-travelling parent.  Maybe the Children call home twice during a week-long vacation.  This allows for the Children and parent to remain in contact, while still enjoying and engaging in the vacation.  It also allows the non-travelling parent to hear what the Children are doing and experiencing, and can again ease the mind of the parent at home.

3. Appreciate the other Parent’s Vacation Time.

Once your vacation with the Children is over, matters tend to settle back to normal.  That is, until the other parent chooses to take their vacation.  Be considerate and aware of the logistics of vacation planning, and work together if you can to accommodate for their vacations as well.  Understanding that this time is good for the Children, and allows for a new environment, experiences, and time with the other parent, often in the best interests of the Children.

We hope that this blog post has provided some general tips for how to approach the upcoming vacation season.  Plan ahead, communicate, and keep that contact open, and hopefully, all goes well.  Safe travels!

Dixon & Moseley, P.C. practices throughout the state of Indiana.  This blog post was written by attorney, Jessica Keyes.


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