Firearms Expert Witness
There is frequently a need for experts on firearms legal issues in civil or criminal litigation. These run the gambit from ballistics specialists who can opine on trajectories and penetration, to mechanical engineers. The engineers may look at defective products to failures of operation.
In more common firearms cases, experts are routinely consulted to advise, and in some cases testify at criminal and civil trials, on the propriety of deadly force. These deadly force or firearm expert witnesses may be police officers or lawyers.
At Dixon & Moseley, P.C. we have worked with these and other experts in our cases over the years. Obviously, not every case needs a firearm expert witness, but we believe our diverse experiences in deadly forces cases, experience with firearms, hands-on training, and other firearms and industry involvements, help us keenly identify the need in aiding a client’s objectives.
In fact, Bryan Ciyou is intimately involved with firearms training, issues and developments throughout United States and has lectured to police officers on off-duty carry through the United States. He has evaluated deadly force cases for both plaintiff and defense, and been involved in drafting proposed gun laws and testifying before the Legislature.
If we may help in your case, or perhaps act as a firearms expert witness in your litigation in certain circumstances, please contact us.
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